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February 23, 2022 | Car Accidents

Does Geico Charge for Not-at-Fault Car Accidents?

Understanding Your Rights After a Car Accident in a No-Fault Insurance State

New York is a no-fault insurance state. This means that your insurance will cover your accident-related bills regardless of who was at fault. While New York law limits insurers like Geico from imposing surcharges after an accident, you may still see a rate increase under certain circumstances.

At Ajlouny Injury Law, we provide dedicated representation for car accident victims in New York City. We are well-versed in handling Geico claims, including those involving serious injuries exceeding the state’s no-fault threshold. If you were involved in a car accident with injuries, contact our office at (718) 233-3913 for the free legal advice you deserve.

How Geico Negotiates Claims

Geico is one of the leading insurers in New York, providing coverage for policyholders across the state. While many New Yorkers have Geico insurance, few realize how frustrating it can be to deal with a claim until they are involved in a car accident

Geico values a claim after:

  • Conducting an investigation
  • Appraising the damage to your car (or receiving an estimate from a repair shop)
  • Reviewing your medical bills
  • Considering other losses such as your lost earnings

Geico, and other insurers, routinely provide low settlement offers to car accident families, making it challenging for injured parties to get the compensation they need and deserve after an accident. Early settlement offers rarely fully compensate a person for all of their accident-related losses.

Why You Should File a Claim

Because New York is a no-fault insurance state, Geico will cover your losses regardless of who was at fault for the accident. Financial costs are paid through personal injury protection (PIP), which all drivers are required to carry under New York’s no-fault law. 

You may be entitled to receive compensation for your:

  • Medical and rehabilitation bills
  • A portion of your lost earnings - generally, up to 3 years
  • Death benefits
  • Other household expenses

In the event that you are seriously injured, or your damages exceed the $50,000 threshold, and another driver was at fault for the accident, you may be entitled to pursue a personal injury lawsuit. By filing a claim, you can ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve after an accident with injuries.

What Happens to My Insurance Premiums?

Despite protections offered by the state, your insurance premiums could still increase significantly after an accident. In some cases, your premium may go up 40-45%

It is essential to discuss your rights with an attorney. Consulting with an attorney early in the process before making a statement to the insurance company can help ensure that your rights and your chances at a full recovery are protected.

Why You Need an Attorney

To obtain a fair car accident settlement from Geico, you need an experienced lawyer. At Ajlouny Injury Law, we know the tactics that insurers use to downplay injuries and reduce payouts. We know that many times, Geico will provide unrepresented injured parties early settlements that are far less than the claim is worth. 

It is not until they retain an attorney who can prove their damages that the insurer offers reasonable settlements. If you have been injured in an auto accident, you deserve to know what your case is worth. Let us help you understand the claims process and how to get the compensation you need.

Insured by Geico and injured in a car accident? Get the free legal advice you need by calling (718) 233-3913. Contact our office for a free, no-obligation consultation. We have won millions for our clients and will fight for you today.

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